Renew NM Partner Toolkit

In your Renew NM Partner Toolkit, you will find ready-to-use communications that are designed to educate New Mexicans about the process and importance of renewing their Medicaid and SNAP eligibility. Check out all of your free materials below:

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Renew NM Flyers, Posters, and Postcards

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Renew NM Flyer

Educates New Mexicans about the importance of Medicaid and SNAP renewal. Materials are available in six versions, including two in Spanish. [Size: 8.5x11]

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Renew NM Poster: 3 Simple Steps, Medicaid

Describes the 3 simple steps to renew Medicaid and SNAP. Materials are available in six versions, including two in Spanish. [Size: 11x17]

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Renew NM Poster: 3 Simple Steps, SNAP

Describes the 3 simple steps to renew SNAP and Medicaid. Materials are available in six versions, including two in Spanish. [Size: 11x17]

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Renew NM Poster: Turquoise Envelope

Alerts all Medicaid and SNAP customers to watch for their turquoise envelopes, which contain their renewal information. Materials are available in English and Spanish. [Size: 11x17]

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Renew NM Postcard

Highlights the steps to renew Medicaid and SNAP. Materials are available in six versions, including two in Spanish. [Size: 6x9]

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Renew NM Provider Flyer

Education for providers and healthcare professionals about Medicaid and SNAP Renewal.

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Renew NM Legislator Flyer

Education for legislators about Medicaid and SNAP Renewal.

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Renew NM Community Flyer

Education for community leaders about Medicaid and SNAP Renewal. Materials are available in English and Spanish.

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Renew NM Education Professionals Flyer

Information for education professionals about how to spread the word about Medicaid and SNAP renewal. Materials are available in English and Spanish.

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Renew NM Social Media

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Post #1: Update Contact Information

Designed to motivate New Mexicans to update their contact information with HSD. Materials are available in English and Spanish.

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Post #2: Address Change

Motivates New Mexicans to update their mailing addresses with HSD. Materials are available in English and Spanish.

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Post #3: Phone Number Change

Motivates New Mexicans to update their phone numbers with HSD. Materials are available in English and Spanish.

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Post #4: Renewal Instructions

Reminds New Mexicans about updating their contact information and getting ready to renew. Materials are available in English and Spanish.

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Post #5: 3 Steps to Renew

Shows the 3 steps New Mexicans need to follow to renew SNAP and Medicaid applications. Materials are available in English and Spanish.

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Post #6: Get Ready to Renew

Educates New Mexicans about the 3 steps they need to follow to renew SNAP and Medicaid applications.

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Post #7: Watch For Your Turquoise Envelope

Reminds New Mexicans that their renewal information will arrive from HSD in a turquoise envelope.

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Post #8: Beware of Scams

Warns New Mexicans about Medicaid and SNAP scams.

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Post #9: Beware of Scams and Find Your Renewal Date

Warns Medicaid and SNAP customers about scams and shows them where to find their renewal date.